
Expression of Love White Roses and Lilacs Bouquet

A very elegant bouquet composed of 20 white roses, lilacs in purple and green.

We attach a free card with wishes to the bouquet.

Warsaw flowers  -   BEAUTY Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Warsaw flowers  -   BEAUTY Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Warsaw flowers  -   BEAUTY Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Warsaw flowers  -   BEAUTY Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Product Code: POL023
The picture is an example and the quantity of flowers have illustrative value.
Warsaw flowers  -   BEAUTY Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Warsaw flowers  -   BEAUTY Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Warsaw flowers  -   BEAUTY Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Warsaw flowers  -   BEAUTY Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
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  • Warsaw flowers  -  Standard Glass Vase  Flower Delivery plus sign
    Standard Glass Vase USD 13.66
  • Warsaw flowers  -  Rectangular Glass Vase  Flower Delivery plus sign
    Standard Rectangular Glass Vase USD 13.66

Expression of Love White Roses and Lilacs Bouquet

  • Elevate any occasion with our exquisite bouquet featuring 20 pristine white roses, complemented by lush lilacs in shades of purple and green.
  • This stunning floral arrangement exudes elegance, perfect for expressing your heartfelt sentiments.
  • Crafted to perfection, our bouquet is a timeless symbol of purity and grace.
  • The inclusion of a free card allows you to personalize your gift with warm wishes, making it an ideal gesture for celebrations, milestones, or expressions of love.
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